MBCD for Professionals

This section aims to provide you -- the practicing or future career counselor and researcher -- with background information on the theoretical foundation underlying the Making Better Career Decisions system. The information includes rationale and background research for MBCD, explanation of how MBCD can be incorporated into the counseling process, list of the aspects used in MBCD, list of references related to MBCD and MBCD's development sources.

Developers of MBCD
The Rationale Underlying MBCD
The Science and Art of MBCD
How MBCD can be Incorporated into the Counseling Process
MBCD Worksheet (includes the list of factors)
Background Research
Research Related to MBCD
I would like to try MBCD
The Solutions Adopted in MBCD to Overcome Problems with Computer Assisted Career Counseling

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Developers of MBCD
MBCD was developed by collaboration between research teams at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Oregon . It combines three scientific approaches. First, it incorporates psychological principles based on the research of Itamar Gati of Hebrew University . Gati developed the PIC Model for Career Decision Making: P rescreening, I n-depth exploration, and C hoice. This model is the rationale underlying MBCD. Second, MBCD utilizes the thirty plus years of research used to develop the Career Information System (CIS) at the University of Oregon . It incorporates economic, sociological, and psychological research to create a useful occupational database and set of factors. Finally, it utilizes knowledge of computer science and web page design gained at both universities to create an efficient, user-friendly product.

The Rationale Underlying MBCD

Additional information may be found in the Relevant Research list.

MBCD's Goals

Target Population

MBCD's Features


MBCD is an Internet-based, interactive career decision-making system that is a unique combination of a career-information system, a decision-making support system, and an expert system, designed to help deliberating individuals make better career decisions.